Hey Southwood Family,

The longer I walk with Jesus, the more I experience the reality that “the Word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12). God meets me there as I read through the Bible’s story - to show me his heart and to expose, encourage, and instruct my heart. I’m so thankful for the stories you have shared with me of how reading through God’s Word has impacted you, too, in 2023!

God has put us on this earth to pursue relationships that impact eternity, and that begins with our relationship with God. Nothing could be more important in 2024 than our experiencing more of his marvelous grace and growing our hearts’ worship, love, and trust of Him — and there’s nowhere better for that to happen than in his living and powerful Word!

On top of that, a renewed relationship with God will impact every other relationship we have. Following along in God’s Word together can enrich a Grace Group, strengthen a family, or spark conversations with friends and neighbors. So, I urge you to join with us in this reading plan, where Year 2 takes us through the whole New Testament and Psalms again as well as the rest of the Old Testament, from Ezra through Malachi. If you made it through Year 1, this is a great time to jump in and contemplate 2-3 chapters of God’s Word each day alongside brothers and sisters.

Resources for Engaging with this Bible Reading Plan

1) The free YouVersion Bible App has this plan included (2-Year Bible Reading plan, Volume 2, by Riverside Church), and you have the option to LISTEN to the Scriptures read to you as well as to read for yourself and track your progress electronically. Tip: To stay on pace with Southwood, you will need to activate the plan on January 1!

2) A PDF version of the plan is available at southwood.org or in the Narthex if you prefer to read from your own Bible or to check the boxes yourself as you go!

3) Pastor/theologian D.A. Carson has written a daily devotional companion to this reading plan. This is certainly not a requirement to participate in the reading plan together, but some have enjoyed having their understanding of the passages they read each day enriched by some explanation/application. If you would enjoy that, you can order For the Love of God, Volume 2 by D.A. Carson and use that aid any day you like.

Looking forward to reading, praying, and meeting God more with you this year,

Pastor Will

Click here for the reading plan PDF >